Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Well, here it is Tuesday and I'm just now writing my shopping list for the big feast. I did already procure the Brussel's Sprouts and shallots. Luckily I live in a city where year round fresh markets are available. Thus I was able to find some lovely locally grown B. Sprouts, as well as locally roasted cashews ( for one of the desserts) . Oh and most importantly I purchased the wines today. Instead of my aforementioned Pinot gris and Pinot Noir, I opted for a semi dry gewurtztraminer, and a Chilean Cameniere. I think they will be lovely with the menu, which now includes vegetarian stuffing, cranberry port sauce, and maple chocolate cashew pies.

I will be spending tomorrow cleaning my cottage and gearing up for the arrival of Monk and Gams.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. May you reap the blessings of the seasons and the enjoy the bounty of friendship and love.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Well, Thanksgiving is a mere week away.  Do you know what you're making?  Are you doing the traditional Turkey, stuffing, potato, meal?  Or do you have something more adventurous in mind?  Here in the O'Neill house, we'll be doing something a little different.  Firstly, Tday will be the first time our Mater meets the Todd's mom.  Secondly, we are not doing the Turkey thing.   Roasted Salmon, sautéed Brussel Sprouts with crispy shallots, stuffing, escalloped potatoes, these are the things you will find on our table this year.   Wines are yet to be decided, but I'm leaning toward an Alsatian Pinot Gris and possibly an Oregon Pinot Noir.  

We've never been a very traditional Thanksgiving family, and honestly my favorite ones were not spent at home.  The best one ever was in Durango, Colorado.  But this one should prove to be fun.  We all love Todd,  and his mom is lovely.  Monk, is of course,  thrilled that we will all be together.  It is very difficult for her to divide her time between us and Todd and his family.  So the easiest solution is to all be together for holidays.  Fine with me!  The more the merrier!  
This will the first major holiday we have spent without Bear.  I have no idea what he is doing that day.  He hasn't been too communicative about his plans.  But I'm sure he'll be fine.  

I'm very excited to be hosting this year, and wish you all the best!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

french vanilla and magic

So today I had an interview for an office position.  This is only the second interview I've been on in over 10 years, and man have things changed!   The whole event started in a fairly standard way; I showed up a few minutes ahead of my scheduled time, filled out an application and sat down to wait.  That's when it got a bit odd.  

After waiting for about 10 minutes,  the secretary brought me another application.  This one was 3 pages long and included not just  the basic information questions (which I had already answered via my resume, and the first application), but also two pages of very unique questions.  Things like "out of these 36 options, which thing best represents how you see yourself?"  I got to choose among such interesting items as an electric generator, a trapped moth, a plunging waterfall and a bird in flight.  There were lots more.  And I had 90 seconds to make a choice.  They also wanted to know if I like myself, do I have self confidence, am I average (in my opinion) and do I believe in magic.   

Do I believe in magic????  So of course immediately the old '70s song by that name pops into my head and I've been humming it all day.  Thanks! Thanks alot!   How do you answer a question like that?  And what possible bearing could the answer have on my ability to answer a phone and file forms?  Do they want me to twitch my nose and tidy up the office a la Tabitha on Bewitched?   

But here is the really funny question....in the middle of asking me a bunch of relevant questions, the interviewer suddenly asks "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?"  What?????  So I immediately give my answer---French Vanilla.  Maybe it was a way to see how fast I can think and change direction.  

Maybe I just need to stop looking for a job and win the lottery.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wow, I must be the worst blogger on the planet. It's been forever since I've written anything!  Ironically though I haven't been writing, a million things have happened.  Maybe I only find time to write when I'm calm and leaning toward boredom.  

To speedily update the world on my life.....

The economy kicked my personal chef business right to the curb this past year.  Seems that folks really can live without their beloved PC when the going gets rough enough.  Ahh, I had a good run of it though.  Now it will be a chance to have some new adventures.  

On that note,  I am now in the ranks of the ever growing number of single moms.  My husband and I had to make the hard decision to part company.  Ten years is a long time.  Some of it was good, some not so much.  But I have a beautiful child and will forever be grateful for her.   I'm excited, nervous and scared all at once about this new chapter in my life.  But I'm also pretty confident that we won't starve, she'll grow up to be a good person and that I won't be alone forever.   But, hey if nothing else, I can get a bunch of cats and dress them up for dinner parties.  
Last but not least, for today anyway....I once again did the Baltimore Half Marathon.  This time I had my sister Monica and our friend Tina with me.  We started together, but I finished ahead of them by about 30 minutes.  They did great...it was the first time for both of them and I couldn't be prouder of those two.    

So there are a few snippets for the ether.  I'll keep the world updated more frequently now.  Or at least I'll try.